Well Today, Is finally the day. Children Count down months ahead of time. 11 months of waiting, and my favorite time of the year.But This year, it hasnt really felt like christmas, The holly hasnt been enough, The lights must not be shining right, The tree's must not be green enough. Everything is the same, So im not really sure why everyone agree's that it just doesnt feel as magical as it used to, Maybe we've lost the sight of Things as we grow older.
Its times like these, Where you really think about the Real reason, Behind the sparkle of lights, And Green needles That make pointy hay. You see The star that shown above the stable. Where My love, My savior, My God was born. He was born a man, Mortal as any of us, As prone to sin, To feel emotion, To have urges. But he was not all man, He had The blood of the True king running thru his veins. He Saved me, He saved you. He saved everyone, Even tho he knew, Not all would accept him.
He knew some would reject, Some would make jokes just for a laugh, Some wouldnt even remember what he did on that cross, for the Eternal sake of everyone yet to be, has been, is, Living. He would have done it for just one, He loved us enough to die. A brutal death, Go to hell and come back.
Be jolly, Be happy. Love like he loved, Smile to brighten this world. Let him shine thru your eyes, with numbing kindness.
Open your presents, Drink your nogg, Laugh with your friends, But thru it all Remember. The real reason He came, Remember the love,
Brighter days are ahead, Brighter days are here if we only look for the light.
Be thankful for what you have, Dont Be jelous of what you dont
-ian S
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