Friday, March 30, 2012

This is a thought, people often talk about the divorce rate as if it were a blight. How shameful and ugly is the scar divorce leaves on those involved. Is this really how it is? It sort of makes more sense to me as a successful shedding of dying skin. Let me explain. While those who are involved in a loving marriage should no doubt be applauded, those who are in a bad, dying marriage, based on lust or false pretenses should seek to improve their life, and possibly the lives of their children. Why should one mistake follow another? You made a mistake of marrying in the first place, or found out she is terrible to your kids or something, i raise my glass to them who have the courage to get out of such a harmful relationship, i give a standing ovation tho to those who keep a working and functioning marriage love alive.

im not sure of the truth or what have you in these sentences, just a thought is all

Monday, March 26, 2012

life's carrying on as usual. For the first time in years, ive finished a school project completely. Senior research paper is done. I cant decide what i think the most common question people ask themselves is. Like most questions we ask ourselves, we dont really intend to find an answer. We either know the answer is one which wont be to our liking, or its a pointless question in reality. If indeed there is such a thing as a pointless question. How often though do i come up with absolute, decided answers to my question? It's really like im just thinking endlessly about the same things, i just follow strange tangents until i look up and realize an hour has passed. Everyone is seeking something, so many of the things we seek already have answers or known ends. But self discovery is a favorite badge of ours to wear. It really doesnt matter how much wisdom other people offer us, from personal experience even, we just want to stick our thumb in the hot pie. What is the most important question, Well why of course. But is there one basic question? If answered it would answer all other questions? A basic truth from which all other truth stems? That leads to yet another question though. If truth stems from truth, is there really one truth? nope, it must mean that there are hundreds of truths? if the all share a common ancestor can they really be so different? A Doberman vs. a beagle? dog dog dog dog dog dog


Great peach in the sky, grown in my dirt

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tattoo ink never runs dry OOOO

there just isn't a chance, the layout is too dull. Didn't you know this would come? In all your wisdom you've become lazy. Your keen eye got you here, your observation allowed you to gather knowledge. Now you begin to rest in its ill received comfort. Dont stop looking, feel your ignorance. Intertwine the fool and the wise; only then can you become something. Acknowledge your achievement, find comfort in it, but know that it's really nothing and reach for more. Know that your clever, but know you'll never know enough to BE clever. Clever, maybe even cleverer, But not Clever,as in a noun. You'd think since we've been given a fat chance, there would be a higher likelihood of success. Nope, fat, as in obese. Never a good thing you see, too much to see. A lot you wont see as well, your feet for example. Or say.. your clogging arteries?

Dont choke when all you have to do is chew. Breath for a second, in the nose and then hold it...out the mouth. Rip the fruit with your front teeth, your first taste. Move it to your back teeth, all the while tasting and savoring the new flavors with your tongue. Then swallow the fruit only when you've deemed it fit for your consumption. There is always the option to spit it out, or better yet, don't pick it up at all.

ide prefer, sodium bicarbonate and citric acid to close my pores, then a nice fist punch. Or really just a splash of cold water.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ill take a brief break from saving memories. It used to be simpler, before my self image rose. When i thought i had nothing of value to offer anyone. Before i thought i was smarter. I would just say things to clear my head, or try to impress somebody, try to improve somebody, stop somebody. I cant ever see things the same, once someone tells me how they see me. I dont want to let down their expectation, but by trying i do. At least it feels that way

I guess life just goes that way. Progression can too often be found in regression. Ive been looking through my older writings, and somehow they feel more honest,idk. I'll hear back from the schools i sent applications to by the end of this month. Hope it's not all in my head. Thats the key tho, it's all in all of our heads.

Ive probably said it before, but oh well. I always assume that what people are saying,speaking, is a direct reflection of what they are thinking. Therefore, If they only speak non sense, chit chat, Worthless noise, etc.. then they must only think about such things. For some reason, i dont apply this rule to myself. The words i say are significantly fewer then the words i am thinking. Why wouldnt it be the same for others? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But it's extremely presumptuous of me to believe im smarter based on what other people say in comparison to what i think, isnt it?