Tuesday, July 27, 2010

wo o o o o
mmmm da...dum...Dlee do...

The most powerful part in a song can be when there are no words
The silence, lets your own thoughts and passions fill the void
The Hum can be your own words
If silence Is powerful
Why do we put so much Thought into wise words
If words are filled with wisdom
Is wisdom filled With words

We will love, we will fall,
MMM danana dul de da du

Saturday, July 24, 2010


When the moon shines for me,
He doesn't worry what I think
He doesn't check to see if he pleases
He simply does as he has,
He is proud in knowing
That he is the light in Night
Safeguard of weary
Path to the wanderer
Master of Lore
He worries Not about What others Think
He is
The moon
That is all he wants to be.