there just isn't a chance, the layout is too dull. Didn't you know this would come? In all your wisdom you've become lazy. Your keen eye got you here, your observation allowed you to gather knowledge. Now you begin to rest in its ill received comfort. Dont stop looking, feel your ignorance. Intertwine the fool and the wise; only then can you become something. Acknowledge your achievement, find comfort in it, but know that it's really nothing and reach for more. Know that your clever, but know you'll never know enough to BE clever. Clever, maybe even cleverer, But not Clever,as in a noun. You'd think since we've been given a fat chance, there would be a higher likelihood of success. Nope, fat, as in obese. Never a good thing you see, too much to see. A lot you wont see as well, your feet for example. Or say.. your clogging arteries?
Dont choke when all you have to do is chew. Breath for a second, in the nose and then hold it...out the mouth. Rip the fruit with your front teeth, your first taste. Move it to your back teeth, all the while tasting and savoring the new flavors with your tongue. Then swallow the fruit only when you've deemed it fit for your consumption. There is always the option to spit it out, or better yet, don't pick it up at all.
ide prefer, sodium bicarbonate and citric acid to close my pores, then a nice fist punch. Or really just a splash of cold water.
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