This is a thought, people often talk about the divorce rate as if it were a blight. How shameful and ugly is the scar divorce leaves on those involved. Is this really how it is? It sort of makes more sense to me as a successful shedding of dying skin. Let me explain. While those who are involved in a loving marriage should no doubt be applauded, those who are in a bad, dying marriage, based on lust or false pretenses should seek to improve their life, and possibly the lives of their children. Why should one mistake follow another? You made a mistake of marrying in the first place, or found out she is terrible to your kids or something, i raise my glass to them who have the courage to get out of such a harmful relationship, i give a standing ovation tho to those who keep a working and functioning marriage love alive.
im not sure of the truth or what have you in these sentences, just a thought is all
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