i got a vinyl copy today, i have become a happy man.
Something about vinyl, just makes the song so much more personal, So much warmer. Not cold digital to your ears, But warm melodies to your Heart. Its something you hold and you carefully set the needle to spin, Hoping not to scratch the delicate source Of sound.
Today, or today from about 2:54pm - 11:33pm, Was good, It always is pretty good. i hope that isnt bad. But if it is, im ok with it, Bad is only bad to those whose good, Isnt My Good. And my Good, in my opinion, Is better then "Their" good.
That crackle in vinyl, The tiny flaws, Are what people like me appreciate in it. Its not perfect, Its a little bit flawed, Like people. Ive always enjoyed live shows over a cd, anytime of the day. i would rather be with; honest, cracked people. Then Fake and fixed up, "Perfect" people.
That secret that we know;
But dont you look when you're Fleeing.
-Ian s
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