Friday, December 24, 2010

We can go out after dark, Because its Christmas Time.

Well Today, Is finally the day. Children Count down months ahead of time. 11 months of waiting, and my favorite time of the year.But This year, it hasnt really felt like christmas, The holly hasnt been enough, The lights must not be shining right, The tree's must not be green enough. Everything is the same, So im not really sure why everyone agree's that it just doesnt feel as magical as it used to, Maybe we've lost the sight of Things as we grow older.

Its times like these, Where you really think about the Real reason, Behind the sparkle of lights, And Green needles That make pointy hay. You see The star that shown above the stable. Where My love, My savior, My God was born. He was born a man, Mortal as any of us, As prone to sin, To feel emotion, To have urges. But he was not all man, He had The blood of the True king running thru his veins. He Saved me, He saved you. He saved everyone, Even tho he knew, Not all would accept him.

He knew some would reject, Some would make jokes just for a laugh, Some wouldnt even remember what he did on that cross, for the Eternal sake of everyone yet to be, has been, is, Living. He would have done it for just one, He loved us enough to die. A brutal death, Go to hell and come back.

Be jolly, Be happy. Love like he loved, Smile to brighten this world. Let him shine thru your eyes, with numbing kindness.
Open your presents, Drink your nogg, Laugh with your friends, But thru it all Remember. The real reason He came, Remember the love,

Brighter days are ahead, Brighter days are here if we only look for the light.
Be thankful for what you have, Dont Be jelous of what you dont

-ian S

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Vinyl Fire crackles,thump,Tick,

i got a vinyl copy today, i have become a happy man.
Something about vinyl, just makes the song so much more personal, So much warmer. Not cold digital to your ears, But warm melodies to your Heart. Its something you hold and you carefully set the needle to spin, Hoping not to scratch the delicate source Of sound.

Today, or today from about 2:54pm - 11:33pm, Was good, It always is pretty good. i hope that isnt bad. But if it is, im ok with it, Bad is only bad to those whose good, Isnt My Good. And my Good, in my opinion, Is better then "Their" good.

That crackle in vinyl, The tiny flaws, Are what people like me appreciate in it. Its not perfect, Its a little bit flawed, Like people. Ive always enjoyed live shows over a cd, anytime of the day. i would rather be with; honest, cracked people. Then Fake and fixed up, "Perfect" people.

That secret that we know;
But dont you look when you're Fleeing.

-Ian s

Friday, December 17, 2010

Candy Cane Covered Night

Tonight, In shorter form, was great. It had all the mixings and toppings for great salad of adventure like fun.

met a few new people, weird and i assumed wrong about them at first, Turns out their pretty cool people.Had fun doing stuff i wouldnt expect doing, But the most fun was in the little things, the endings:Tall windows, White walls,. Just peaceful ya know?

i was told a small story by someone, About them and someone, Not anything real heavy or deep.Just life in genral. But still nice to have been told, And at the end of it, She said, but you probably dont care. Fact is tho i do care, Not so much about a guy ive never met,(dont get me wrong, i met him, So i care) But to get a little more involved in someone's life, To see a new shift in the color spectrum of life, If i were to only listen to what i had to hear, and see only what i saw, that could be cripplingly limited, Not to mention boreing.

So thank you for the insight, i enjoy actual conversations with people who have something to say, whether or not i agree or disagree with it. Even if im just listning.

Merry christmas, Find adventure in Every Night
-Ian S

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I is he, And he is i, He is in everyone, So i am everyone, And i am me, so me is we, we is he she thee they us them you(not really just fun word play)

Needless to say, Well needfull, No one but me knows, well about half, ramble.
i was utterly and life changingly inspired tonight, In a few more ways then one(a few meaning one or two possibly three to twelve really whatever number best pleases that said individual) for one thing, i ill wait to find that one lady, No reason why that ill say BUT i will, So thank you to you two, Even tho you did it un knowingly, And second, ive just seen some of the freshest guitar parts ive heard in a while, Very nice to see something new, or to me new.

Secondly, ive come to the realization, That i am me, i should not strive or be depressed because im not George harrison, or whoever(just an example of someone ide love to have been born as) But i was NOT born as him, Or justin vernon, Or Dan hunter. i
was born as me, The one With the name printed on paper as Ian ******(hehe) If i was to be born as someone else in another time, I obviously would have been born, But i was born and bred now, For these times.With my personality, My thoughts My patterns. im finally fully comeing to terms with this.

i Write the way i do, Because its the way i do, I act the way i do, Because its just how i am, I play the way i do, Because its just how i play. Dont be them, Because them Isnt you,They may wear a green shirt, It is ok to wear that green shirt also, But you by default, will inevitably wear it differently, So do not be sad that you dont look like them, Be happy they dont look like you.

Father taught me how to tie my shoes
-Ian S.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

there's been a lot, A lot thats Been done this weekend, Or week. There's been death, A litteral Lack of existence. There has been creation, Creation Of new idea's, beliefs and hopes. Re-birth of dreams.

You could say, that the circle of life has happend, That There has been a full cirlce in week, So a Our weeks could be someone's lifetime. At a time where people are stretched so thin, Their true unders are visible. You see what there made of, Or what they are filed with at this time in their life.

Aaron, my co-worker from last year, The nicest person at my new job, Full of angry people, Who told me it was ok to work harder then everyone else, Even if the boss doesnt notice, Passed away. People at work make joke's about it, How they saw it coming, How he was an alcholic. For a time so did i, But i thought more about it and it made me sick. How could i possibly take so lightly this terrible Tragedy. Someone i worked with side by side for many months, Died. Did i influence him? or show him any Of God in the time we were together.

i can so lightly shrug off the fact, That to the best of my knowledge, He entered Well..not heaven.i was asked to go to the memorial service, not to attend but to make food for the occasion, and i saw many of his friends and family come in, And 8/9 of them were crying or snifling, But i did nothing but shrug, Is that bad? Should i not weep for the Loss? Because, there is no gain there..

Sing lofty songs of passing

Thursday, December 9, 2010

ive just made the world darker(i am a cobra now)

Good day, Last night, i should say good morning, And salutations.
Its twelve something, And ive just been asked to turn off the christmas lights outside by a tired Mother, This seems sorta sad, i know it has nothing to do with this, and by no means, actualy means this, But in a way maybe it does. We keep the lights on so long as their are people to see them, But when eye traffic slows down, Off go the lights, i didnt even know this.

The monster talks so loud and in such a rumble,Words caught in His muzzle of a mouth, We cant even hear his sophisticated speach, He directs his attention to the children Whom Would benefit most from his Words, But they run off in fright,From this monster of the night.Because, We see a predatory Beast ready to Devour the helpless, When rather He's the gentle Soul, Saving the crumbling Foundation of The world,which he see's from a clear view, That lays just outside his cave.

I will not wait in the weeds, I am a cobra now, I Will not die in the grass
We are the fortunate ones and we complain bout our lives
Ian S

Monday, December 6, 2010

The horizon is forced to swallow the sun

Goodness me, ide just like to smack the smug right off your face.
You treat this season and his reason, Like an amusement park ride,
You pull your child aside and Spank His hide, Your scream echo's,
Redfaced, spittled.

You will have fun!
You will enjoy yourself!

Some people just bother me, One second they whisper how tender you are, and how they'd never want to embaress you, The next second they just call you out, infront of people, to shame you into respect, I do not respect you.
-breath a sigh of relief
Rant over

i believe, One of my friends, my good friend. Is finally starting to understand, Certain things ive been calmy and patiently trying to tell him, i hope with my whole heart it begins to Gnaw away at him, So he comes to understand and believe it on his own, Not having it shoved down his throat, Like the Horizon is forced to swallow the sun.

i see some promising events, Or actions lineing up in my life, And for the first time i see a real possibility of some dreams, or passions, comeing true, No longer the fanciful, Day dreams, Filled to the brim with wishful thinking. But real possibility, That dear people, Is great news for me anyways.So on a random note i found out a guitar i got for $62.00, Is a 54' Acoustic, Cool right?

hmm well this isnt much of a squat or a jack, Nothing profound, or creative. i wish school was at ten not eight....
Later by the hour
-Ian S

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Smile to brighten my room, Like no christmas light will ever do

So i havent posted much lately, I went from nearly daily to Not hardly ever. i hope i dont start this as a trend, starting all my entries with, I have posted lately. Anywho Onto the meat, or Veggies of the matter(depending on your well diet i guess)

Well, People all around seem to either be doing great, Or terrible. Its really quite sad, But normal still. This is the time, or the season, Where people Notice what they have. That can either be a great, Or terrible moment of realazation. We see how lucky we are, To have the friends, Family, Loved one's around, How much our life has progressed And we get swept up in the magic and beauty of it all. On the other hand, People can look and say, Shit this sucks. i have friends who hate me, A terrible family, The person who held my heart, Is no where to be found, To see we have not progressed but rather regressed. The snow that falls no longer feels sweet and uplifiting, But like a cold, smothering hand, That wishes to bury us.

For those of us who feel the First choice, Congratulations are in order. Drink as Much Egg Nogg as possible(i personally find it very nasty) Give Gifts, Cheer, Wear your sweaters With Joy, Sip your apple cider, And enjoy everything this holiday has the possibility to offer, And start the work towards another Celebration next year. But to those of us, Who Find ourselves Living in the later Situation, Empathy Not apathy. Again i will say, Drink as much holiday Beverages as your Bulging belly can hold, Laugh as only you can, Smile To brighten The room, The way no christmas light, no christmas candle; Could ever do.

Hope for the brighter day that is surely Just around your corner, The night is darkest Just before the dawn,Let this season work its way into your heart. Lets not look around, see how much better everyone has it and be resentful and bitter. But be happy for and with them, you might find some of it might just rub off on you, Break out your christmas sweater,That most people would agree is better hidden in your closet floor, Eat the cookies till you caint no more. Let the songs reserved for This month, Be heard and sung,Be of good cheer, Even if it seems the end could be near.Look out the window and see the first few flakes of snow, Create the impression of an angle that just fell from the sky, To those who feel its always winter and never christmas

i made it thru the year and i did not even collapse
with tired i stumble back into bed

ian S