Monday, October 18, 2010

Yesterday is forever and non existent at the same time

so ive noticed that, This year has already arrived and is passing me by, quickly, maybe to quick. In the moment, it seems to crawl. But when i look back, so much has already come and gone, and each and every moment feels like Just yesterday, Which is an eternity.
Yesterday is Forever. But non-exstistent at the same time.

i want to Grow up and get out so quickly, But at the same time i dont want to, only a very little part of me doesnt want to,Its a big world, And im not even a big fish in a little pond, Im not even the fish in the pond, Im the Sitting outside the pond, looking in. And it seems im not taken se iously anywhere i go, im always little ian, The kid who's hair you rub your hands thru, Yes im young, But im no child. i guess, An important or big reason i want to grow up or Get out of My house,On my Own. Is to prove im not just a kid, That My dreams arn't Just the fanciful Daydreams that every kid has, i want to be the one of twenty Who make their dreams a reality,

i refuse to be one of those Kids,Who grow Up to be Living in there fourtys still Expecting Things to happen, When there Not living in a dream, But in a lie. i wanna grow old, look back and say, wow. Life was lived. i want to someday inspire people. i dont want to appear vain, but i want to show the world, What a kid who sits in the back of the class, doodling and daydreaming can do.

im gonna give this sick society, a swift sucker Punch to the goNads

1 comment:

  1. If I could "like" this, I would.
    Especially the last sentence.
