Wednesday, October 27, 2010

God Is Love, Love is God(Big Red Machine)

What is it about love, True True love, That just brings Tears, That Purge forth The pain we stuff down under Our skin and heart.But Not just Girl boy love, But true Selfless Love, Love That Will give all of itself, Selflessly For Someone, just to see them thru,
Love that will Lay Right Down there With you, that knows You Faults, That knows what your going thru, but just doesnt care. They Stay there with you, That doesnt care About the shirts you wear, the car you drive, The friends You Hang with.

Its all about love man, Love That doesnt Judge, Doesnt Condemn, Doesnt Hate, Doesnt Scream Damnation. Because what the Shit, Has that every done for anyone, How do you ever expect to change a life, To save a life, With hate and judgement. When Jesus died on the cross, was he screaming how much he hated Doing this, how we werent worth it, How he knew some of us would Never accept what he did. He knew this,But He Did not Hang there with hate,he Still..He still Died With Love, And joy, And your face, my face in his heart, Knowing the worst was yet to come but the for Love he died.

Why do people Feel they have to judge the world, When the very one who saved it, Didnt Hate the same world that was killing him, With Whips, Denial, Nails, Hate. You Cant, you wont Change anyone, By hateing them, By Telling them There to far gone.Just being there, Just Happy to be with them. You dont even have to speak, Just Let your actions speak of your Love, Fancy words wont Turn the world, And each man Is his own world. But God Keeps The world Spinning,And if God is love, Is it not safe to say, that Love keeps everymans World Spinning? If were to be like him, Should we not Breath Unconditional love?

Dont Pretend to help someone, But talk behind them about how much it disgust you, How much You hate it, How you can stand to be near it, Is all we've learned So soft, To not suffer, Is all i am To gone, All ive lived For me? i cant fill out enough paragraphs To make You understand, To make myself understand. Love is a friend, Love is God, not the Love that people throw around Like a dirty Sack in the wind, Love That Will Stick Thru till the end, That will hold on to you, When the Hurrican Is pulling you away. That will pull you up from The sinking Hole, that you yourself may have dug. Love is Tears That are Shed,Not for your own pain, But for the pain Of others, You would take their Pain if you only had the ability. To Sit with Their diseise, To make them feel less alone, Love is A dog, Who is always happy to see you,

i honestly believe tears are the first sign, The first early Sign. That Change Is on the way, Water flowing from The cracks of Our walls. That We can Change and learn, Grow To become, What We were made For. It starts With rain, That comes crashing From the mountian, Slowly and painfully carved Thru the thick dirt, slowly widening, But gaining speed with every passing minute, For every Bit it destroys, It Gives way for whole new life to begin, To give provision to Those who Thirst.

Love Is the trump card, to the game of life. Love is a dog Who is always happy to see you, Who lays right next down To you, and just knows your day sucks, That you've Messed up, But Just loves you anyways, Is just happy to share his couch with you, Who Loves you even when you yell at him for something he didnt do, Love's you even when He knows your leading him To his death

-In memory Of oden,
In memory Of Mac.

-ian Silver

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