WHY! why does everyone feel the need to try to sexy everyone up? Is that the only thing matters in life? I suppose it is, its the vice, the muse, the treasure, the curse, the soul, the shame, the great ecstacy and finally the great bane of humanity. innocent children grow pliable to it's firm and un yielding hand. So must they tho if we as a race are to continue.
Its so sad to see something thought of as naive, something you wished would just stay naive and ignorant. Waving hello to the criminals earnestly because they looked sad. Only to find her doing some seemingly ,un,avoidable act of age. The way society and peer pressure and just overall acceptance of higher tolerancy levels. Not to say that i am far from fault. Im Not, im part of the problem, when i see older people or even those my age doing, i see nothing wrong with, even enjoy it. It just seems so wrong, out of place. But people do grow up, they eventually snap from the bindings we placed in a futile attempt to stunt and curve their growth to fit our ideas and notions.
Destiny is in your own hands, fate is a myth. A lazy excuse for people who do not wish to try, and when they do try and fail, already they have set up a convenient scape goat. Let no man decide your will. Your mind is a home, guest are just that, people you have the ability to let in our force out,Of course there are burglars and intruders.
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