Should you really worry about what is happening now? It could always be worse. They say you should never worry,that it adds nothing to your life. If anyone could point out to me a sober man who can set aside worry like a cold cup of juice in the winter, please let me talk to him. If its the best time now,even the easiest,why is everybody stressing to not stress, stressing to enjoy it. You can't live life on someone else's hindsight can you? "Time regained is Paradise lost"
That's a quote from a book I recently read, I've been thinking about it pretty consistently for...let's say a week. Time may not seem so great now but look back in a few years and it will seem great. I'm not going to type out everything I've come to over this quote but a few things I will divulge. A reason time of the past seem so paradise like could be that at the time it did not seem so great, that the challenges appeared far larger then they actually are but were felt as heavy as they actually were. You knew the time was good, you felt the thrill of the Chase, the loss of breath from the fall, the sweet cushion of dooming feelings. Those times tho, were not without pain with which to give the strong contrast. Feel the wrenching sting, the gut twisting fear and the relief was all the greater. Life in gray is no life to have hindsight of
I like that word
I'm working on grammer
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