BEHK, Zrch.
So much to say, Spring break came and went. It was uneventful, Yet life altering thru small uneventfull acts. i was inspired, depressed,Enlightend,Attracted,Frightend. There was a terrible Earthquake That caused much death due to its after affects. Makes the hopefull strives of americans, In our so called american dream, Seem selfish and ignorant. Perhaps We should celebrate the freedom we have, Why waste what is given to us? But we should not be Ignorant and fat gluttons while others starve to death, We simply turn our heads the other way and say,"Oh well why waste,We cant ship it to them anyway". No, Absolutly not.
To those that say This Is God judging The japaneese, How Ignorant of them to say something, Has las vegas Been struck to ruin by a massive earthquake or tornado?? No, yet there is no lack of moralless people, Who do things that "stay" there. God has nothing but love towards people, He would not kill Thousands of inocent people for the sins of few,
To those foolish, People hating, Blind, Ignorant, Who say That God is killing Soldiers, In iraq, Killing teens in auto accidents. Killing Gays, To punish them for their Sins. i cant type with enough emotion. How wrong. His full wrath was Put out on the body and soul of jeus christ. We live in a crazy world, We're stuff happens. i wont pretend to know why. The church is supposedly supposed to be loving the world, the hurting and dying, Feeding the starving and clothing the naked. Yet you have the Balls, the nerve the Guall, To Protest Funerals,IN THE NAME AND AUTHORITY OF GOD, of Young men and women who died for our country, Were we enjoy the freedom, Many can not even dream about. Makes me sick. People wonder why everyone has a nasty bitter taste in their mouth when they hear the word christian..We've become hypocritical, hatefull, judgemental, Finger pointing,Horrible people
For the Majority of highschoolers Worrying about The end of school, About prom. Dont. Prom is a VERY small matter, That the big three, the hi honcho's of society, and slow building tradition, with more myth then fact,has told is a very big deal, If you go, have fun, Dont worry about if people laugh that you wore the same dress because you didnt want to spend another 300 DOLLARS, on something you will wear once. Who you take to prom will, MORE THEN LIKELY, matter very little, to none at all, Take it for what it should be, Something fun, to see your friends all gussied up. School will end, The social standings, The grades, Will pass, and fall into a large storage bin in a montage of your life, were only a few pictures will remain clear, If your striving for a high end desk job, Well Grades are important to an exent. But they shouldnt consume your life now," Youth is wasted on the young", So true, dont worry so much, Just Live, and do what is most important, Dont live with regret, Go for what they say is just A dream, that People go thru at this age, Its not true, Everyone does Go thru this phase, But bitter adults who had it beat out of them, Want to beat it out of you to, They think its the way things have to be
Ive fallen in love with the Work, of Jack White. The raw pulsating power of his guitar, That drives the very core of the questions,The fed upness, against the wrongdoings of people who take advantage of us, "Grinning in our face". His lyrics which voice the opinions we , or at least i seem to feel very strongly, Really just beautiful, In the same way a sword is beautiful.The man can play.
their ideas make me wanna spit
a hundred dollars goes down the pit
oil company faces are grinnin
my baby's my common sense
so dont feed me planned obsolescence
people are burnin for pocket change
and creative minds are lazy
Better idea's stuck in the mud
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