Thursday, March 31, 2011

Being scared of something is sooo dumb, If it cant change anything then why be scared? the phrase ignorance is bliss is so true, you could live ignorant of something that causes crippling fear, and since you dont have that fear it never affects you, You live a totally successful life, In contrast you could live in fear of this one thing so much so that still, it never occurs but you were to scared to really do anything or think of anything worthwhile, becaus it COULD happen, So dumb, if only i could convince my brain of this fact, i hate it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

lalalala lalalala ya

bah, Schools comeing to a close here mighty quick, Everyone is trying so hard to be original, it seems to me that the original people, are pretty original, Artist that try so hard to be different, really arent that differnt, as are people, We all have the same needs, Same inards, Same everything. So where is it that marks our originality. It cant be our clothes, Because they group of people who claim to be seperate, all wear the same cloths.Goths wear black and chains,Scene wear band tee shirts and skinnies, Hipsters wear off brand clothing and stinky sweaters, Preppy people wear clothing that is bright and expsensive. So it cant be clothes.(im not trying to stereotype people, but most of those people dont want to conform yet they all wear the same things and act genrally the same way, just a statement of fact) It cant be hair. People can easily copy hair, Just flip thru old books they think no one has read and do their hair like that, Do their hair with their eyes closed, You could probably find fifteen other people in one state alone that do the same thing, So WHAT GOOD is trying to be original, that is a very unoriginal thing to do, It seems there must be some deep underlying substance that will brand someone in your mind as original, If a cookie is basically a cookie. there are different types of cookies, Sugar, Cc, Snickerdoodle. Even two sugar cookies could taste totally different, so what is it?

Creeping creeper you have no thoughts here, Slide back into the shadows

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The big three killed my baby

BEHK, Zrch.

So much to say, Spring break came and went. It was uneventful, Yet life altering thru small uneventfull acts. i was inspired, depressed,Enlightend,Attracted,Frightend. There was a terrible Earthquake That caused much death due to its after affects. Makes the hopefull strives of americans, In our so called american dream, Seem selfish and ignorant. Perhaps We should celebrate the freedom we have, Why waste what is given to us? But we should not be Ignorant and fat gluttons while others starve to death, We simply turn our heads the other way and say,"Oh well why waste,We cant ship it to them anyway". No, Absolutly not.

To those that say This Is God judging The japaneese, How Ignorant of them to say something, Has las vegas Been struck to ruin by a massive earthquake or tornado?? No, yet there is no lack of moralless people, Who do things that "stay" there. God has nothing but love towards people, He would not kill Thousands of inocent people for the sins of few,

To those foolish, People hating, Blind, Ignorant, Who say That God is killing Soldiers, In iraq, Killing teens in auto accidents. Killing Gays, To punish them for their Sins. i cant type with enough emotion. How wrong. His full wrath was Put out on the body and soul of jeus christ. We live in a crazy world, We're stuff happens. i wont pretend to know why. The church is supposedly supposed to be loving the world, the hurting and dying, Feeding the starving and clothing the naked. Yet you have the Balls, the nerve the Guall, To Protest Funerals,IN THE NAME AND AUTHORITY OF GOD, of Young men and women who died for our country, Were we enjoy the freedom, Many can not even dream about. Makes me sick. People wonder why everyone has a nasty bitter taste in their mouth when they hear the word christian..We've become hypocritical, hatefull, judgemental, Finger pointing,Horrible people

For the Majority of highschoolers Worrying about The end of school, About prom. Dont. Prom is a VERY small matter, That the big three, the hi honcho's of society, and slow building tradition, with more myth then fact,has told is a very big deal, If you go, have fun, Dont worry about if people laugh that you wore the same dress because you didnt want to spend another 300 DOLLARS, on something you will wear once. Who you take to prom will, MORE THEN LIKELY, matter very little, to none at all, Take it for what it should be, Something fun, to see your friends all gussied up. School will end, The social standings, The grades, Will pass, and fall into a large storage bin in a montage of your life, were only a few pictures will remain clear, If your striving for a high end desk job, Well Grades are important to an exent. But they shouldnt consume your life now," Youth is wasted on the young", So true, dont worry so much, Just Live, and do what is most important, Dont live with regret, Go for what they say is just A dream, that People go thru at this age, Its not true, Everyone does Go thru this phase, But bitter adults who had it beat out of them, Want to beat it out of you to, They think its the way things have to be

Ive fallen in love with the Work, of Jack White. The raw pulsating power of his guitar, That drives the very core of the questions,The fed upness, against the wrongdoings of people who take advantage of us, "Grinning in our face". His lyrics which voice the opinions we , or at least i seem to feel very strongly, Really just beautiful, In the same way a sword is beautiful.The man can play.

their ideas make me wanna spit
a hundred dollars goes down the pit
oil company faces are grinnin
my baby's my common sense
so dont feed me planned obsolescence
people are burnin for pocket change
and creative minds are lazy
Better idea's stuck in the mud


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Strapped up

i love listening to new players, its refreshing. He's probably not playing to impress anyone, to hope to write a new amazing line. Its just for the fun and beauty of it, He she it they; like the sound of their making for the first time. Back to basics of why you played, before you new all the rules and reason to play. That first time you were fasinated by the guitar, Where you just fell in love, you looked up and saw you had been playing the same three chords for two hours, its now midnight and you dont want to put it down, for fear of losing the magic you seem to be channeling, In the presence of.

i guess its a child compared to an adult, they just love living, without anyone telling them the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, They like to spin around in circles with their batman shirt on and nothing else. For the simple pleasure of spinning till everything begins to spin with you.

Just crazy how once you know all the rules, there less like safety rails or a safety rope and more like binding Fences,Its that way with most everything, People grow up loving but people teach and warn them about all the things they can do wrong, The evil that others will do to them, They focus so much on the possible wrongs and right, They dont just go.

Just ramble
Live performance
not a studio session


Friday, March 11, 2011

GRAB HIM(pft pft)

Blue,Together,Grinds,Pi symbol, Pretender,Fleeting,Passive,Tremble.

Do you ever see those unmarked white vans?That seem to be waiting around, Seemingly watching you? Whats your first thought, That your being followed, The town has hired a large group of unidentified painters for a much need touch up?

I always think there men from the future, Comeing to capture me before i do the one fatefull act, Creating my success,Impact,Future,Person; that will forever change the world. They have to stop me from doing the deed, Because they have a selfish desire and jelousy. I know this might come off strange or arrogant, possibly even rude.But its a way telling myself i can do it, Also that ive seen and read to many future traveling books.

"maybe we were making straight A's, but we were stuck in the dumb days."
You can know something for sure,But a look or a word or a phrase can totally change it, Crazy huh? Words are powerful, No matter what anyone says, But i dont think its the actuall word, Its the feeling that is being forced through the medium, Thats trying to by conveyed by the word. There are hundreds of languages in the world, So words are powerfull yes, But if they were THAT powerful, There would be one universal language. So it must be the thoughts or emotions put behind the words that give them the driving force.

Ive heard that to be a great Performer, Youmust also be a great liar. Beautiful words might tickle someones ear, but it wont draw them in forever. You have to force or trick yourself into thinking the words your saying are true, Finding some emotion inside your self that is the right vehical to drive down the road your paving.

(i bounced like a weaving maril, applogies)

"You did it to yourself"
-Ian S