Friday, February 4, 2011

waiting for a train, to the astro planes

undoubtedly there must a snow blog. As everyone else has so gripingly stated;"There is over fourteen inches of snow". Yes, most of us,myself included, have been stuck in our house,for the most part. The snow fell monday night, and hasnt yet to decided to leave. Thanks to this clingy snow, We have had a one day school week. Everyone is complaining about "cabin fever", and not seeing their friends, and being so bored. This may be the case for some people,But it sort of confuses me. There is a world of snow outside to be played in, Forts to build, angels to fan out, Balls to throw, hills to sled, Adventures to be had. So why in the world do people keep complaining? Everyone all year ask for snow, Here it is. Even if your not an outdoor person, like myself. It gives me the perfect excuse to sit inside all day and do nothing but play guitar and read. Listen to music while you just watch the snow.

it pulls us from the Constant and never ceasing momentum, Of everyday life, just long enough to lets us reflect, and think on ya know life? To enjoy the songs we dont often enjoy, because were to busy picking songs; To hear the thoughts that constantly are rolling in the back of our minds,but are drowned out by the deafning white noise of life. Way to often tho, people cant see that, and they go Mad when the noise they've learned to live and sleep with stops. The rickety vent that lulls you to sleep suddenly stops, and the quiet is more disturbing then the noise. People tend to foccus to often on the negative

Just a little bit of a different perspective to think about, not to hate on anyone. im talking to myself more then anyone...literally

-Growing fond of bob dylan
ian S

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