Monday, August 30, 2010


People always warn people about getting to close to someone,
Or Hearing what people who openly opose your beliefs or Rules
Have to say. Not that i will Listen to an atheist and switch over to
atheism, But It doesnt hurt to have as open a mind as possible
As long as you have a filter, Or at least A timer, You dont want
to drown yourself in Other people's thoughts so much you cant
remeber which are your own and which ones arnt.

But its like i heard someone say "If you have ten blind people
All touching an elephant and describe it to you, Some will say
'Wow this feels flat and rough', While Yet another would say, 'This
Feels polished and smooth' Long and hollow" Would any of them be
Necessarily Wrong, But none of them can see the Whole picture

Now im not saying that an atheist is right, i WHOLE heartedly
belive there is a God, The God, He created us in his image,
He is the supreem ruler of heaven earth, sky, Inbetween
Basically everything and everything inbetween
So it couldnt hurt you, If your strong enough in your beliefs
To hear what others have to say, But thats not to say we dont
have enough of an open mind, To Have our world rocked,

Recently my worlds been rocked by a little thing or two things
Called, Grace, And then A creative god

Before i heard or even thought of either of these things i was
totally sure that Life and existence was one way, that God was
THIS, but my world was rocked, and i see now i didnt have the
whole picture
Not to say God Isnt to be feared, Or We should be acountable
But he is the, Lion, The lamb, The warrior, The savior, The king,

Same goes for worship, ITs not This style and no more
God is infinatly creative. But i have a whole nother blog about that
SO basically

it cant hurt to be open to other things
You can draw insight, Inspiration and wisdom From Listning, Not
just hearing, but listening

But you dont have to absorb everything you hear as truth
Eat the hay but spit out the sticks as Pastor Hagen used to say

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