is near once again.That means it's time for some stuff. That stuff means some people are going to get a bit too worried, some a bit sad. Some are going to be hitting their year's peak while others hit the bottom. When night falls we see colored lights in home grown patterns. We smell cake and cookies all too often; we see pie and alcohol arrive like cousins. Wrapped in clothes or paper, what's the difference? All lacquered to the brim, veneers shinning bright. Still, we all kind of love the ridiculousness of it. Charity is an apron wearing, bell wielding coin collector. Commercialism is epitomized by an Obese old man in red fur. Yet we all kind of love him. Why? Because we are caught up in sickening and healing nostalgia. It must be getting close to christmas. Are we forgetting tho that it is supposed to be about something more?
I dont think so. I sometimes wonder if christmas really IS about Jesus. Not too say that it shouldnt be, or that it wasnt at some time. Now he the reason for the season, as so many neighbors signs proclaim. He should be, but if he isn't. At least we try to make it about giving and caring for others, key word here is try.What im saying is that i feel like christmas no longer is about Christ. It started out that way,but is no longer. Do we attempt to curve public opinion, do we have our own silent remembrances. How would we even celebrate such a momentous occasion? This isnt for or against our current holiday, i enjoy christmas to the fullest. Im simply thinking out loud, and making my thoughts semi public. Anyways, Happy christmas.
Listening to Bag End by Howard shore.
and He made a mess by Benjamin Lyman