Ive decided to do a few things. Im working out, and running. I dont want to get big or anything, but i want to be healthy. Im currently listening to "Born and Raised", John Mayer's latest album. I really like it. Unlike alot of music that makes me angry, or sad, this makes me really happy. Along with Howard shore's LOTR soundtrack, it makes me happy as well. I was thinking about a few things lately, such as being a fool and happy vs. being learned,educated and being cynical and hateful. Why is this often the case? Had I never learned to read would i still be the happy child i was before i grew to be the bitter person i am now? I enjoy listening to Born and Raised, and the soundtrack for The Shire, because it makes it feel better. Yes the world is stupid, and kind of pointless, but its beautiful in a simple way. We may have shinier horses, better plows, wood floors instead of dirt, tiled roof's instead of thatched ones; But we're no different than we were back then. We still work in our little circles, we strive to survive, to get food, to find pleasure, to find love. We still walk around and think ourselves high. Im only now starting to realize that it's funny rather than dumb. We are children in wearing adult clothing. Maybe those of us who realize that life's kinda silly, should strive to see it as such. A fun game worth maintaing. Im not getting my point across very well, but ill expound upon it later.
You have to look out your window at all the cars, running in their little circles; shake your head with a knowing smirk, and love them for it. Thats it.
When you gonna wise up boy, love is a verb
he Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.Now far ahead the Road has gone,And I must follow, if I can,