Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nerves like Noodles, Served with a peanut and soy sauce

i dont know why i can be as unsure as a man at the alter, for first time. mostly i just have a big bowl of confidence soup, and splash it on the ground, and dont even let my feet touch the puddle, but i just think ill never actually get noticed or appreciated as more then the weird lil kid. im not even that young. It seems i cant do enough, But at the same time i actually am, If i move to a different then usual lunch table, and next thing i know, my nice quiet table that i hoped would be genrally empty, Is soon filled with the people who Moved from the old table.

i dont really know what im saying here, just ranting. all i have to say is, or basically, Girls are scary, The serve up a big heaping plate of asian style nerves, dressed as noodles, Hmm i hope people dont actually think im rude or mean, i can just come off that way sometimes, mostly because im thinking of something entirely off subject, So to those i apologize

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