Sunday, October 17, 2010

Neither shaped, Nor Formed, Made Or Re-designed, But Created

ive noticed, as much as i profess to be my own individual, i take into note, how the people i admire act, and i try to base my decisions, my outward, not appearence, but outward atitude i guess would be more proper, Not that i do it often, or not that i really do it at all, but i constantly find myself wondering,considering; Would they be louder? Would they go say hi, Would He Play this solo like this or like that. It makes me wonder how many people are truely themselves, and it also makes me love the people who without a doubt Are who they Are. i read today something very, wise." What would the world be like if none of us had ever met,"

What if no one, Ever met anyone. i know thats a vague and open thought, but what if we were all, Truely our own person, we didnt mold our actions to be like someone, because we never truely knew someone, we would be the color wheels of life, inspiration and admiration are two great things, But lets not Change out our mirrors, For Portraits and paintings.

Let no one make you, Or shape you. We should strive to be the Rain in the dessert, that refreshes Everything,everyone,In the dessert, with its change of pace, its refreshingly newness qualities. Be the rain,

This will Surely stop for me, i will be my own, I shall Be the putty for none but the one who's hands have made me.

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