Sunday, September 26, 2010

Those Weird Kids are The coolest i know

im finding more and more, that people and things, that really used to bug the crap out of me, know dont seem as bad. Mainly My brothers, And Stuff like that, i hafta say, im actually jelous of his friends, There all so tight together, not like their cool, But there who they wanna be, even tho there not all the same, Its really what its supposed to be about,

i dont really even know what i am like, im the same around everyone, but sometime's im so quiet, others just really weird. Am i changeing, or just dif moods, They actually, Give me a good feeling, Its, there's hope for people after all, Their not perfect, and have sorta crazy lives, But there all good people: Individuals, Not ordinary, Its funny how the people most people consider weirdo's, Even consider me odd .i hope they dont think im to weird ha, but if they do im just A O K with that.

so im starting a side project band with london, i think it could be great, We've decided to have no genre's. We are music, not another label, Music is the only label i want it under, True, Honest, Real, Not to say where going to be having hard core break downs. It will Lean More towards chill, Indie, Folk.

What might have been lost.

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