Saturday, February 25, 2012

i really hate blogging, I really do. I should just write it in a notebook and wait for it to become a book someday. That's just not going to happen tho, im selfish and afraid of being forgetful. I want instant gratification you see, moral dissension in perfect accordance with social moral acceptance. I want desperately to go everywhere, But these things must be done while im young, before the "window" of flexibility of the,my, mind is closed. Which path do i choose? Where is it that im hoping to end up. I dont know really, In all honesty im expecting to not know until i choose a path and find it to be the wrong one. I feel like im already on a wrong path, yet i feel no sense of change. I feel the need to change drastically, but i have no idea where to go. Its sort of like a path with big walls on either side, i need to get off this path, But to do so i need to either backtrack a few years, or just sprint to the end of this horrible road


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