Thursday, February 2, 2012


Come on out prince, Its just me. You can drop the act now... Whats this... such a nice cape tossed on the ground. Come on out. you damn fiend! Your smile isnt looking so white out here in the dark.. whats that i smell? That pungent, sickly sweet smell? Is that you dear prince? Oh prince dear prince come on out. What the...a dead dear? No forks, no knives, and no fire? tut tut tut where have your delicate table manners disappeared to?

Allright! Here, im right Over here! Did i ever ask to be this way! Didnt i warn you people! I told you, i TOLD you! Show yourself oh holy and gracious hunter. Pierce with your favored arrow! You've spilled it before BUT LET IT FLOW NOW! or be done with it!

Here, my prince, just a little further. This dance has taken such time to prepare, musn't waste an occasion as....seductive as this. The light is just so flattering. Breath for moment wont you? The breeze is delectably revealing..

What is this Witchcraft and Whore mongering you act? Fight me and be quick, fate is assigned and destiny awaits. To which bitter end the shaft or to sate. I see no stage, but feel a part i do indeed play. A dance an act its all been set. Step forward.

Here my damned prince, my dearest fiend. Favored arrow indeed, Knocked to be free. Look true upon all you see, i call you out. Traitor and liar, scholar and fool but above all my loveless tool.

What...what is love, my queen. Why..why are you out here. What business is this. Your clothes....where..its..why are you naked. I dont this some sort of trick, is this the scene you proposed?

Foolish thing, ripe like fruit. Crave for flesh, bounce or flex? Covered and concealed my worth unknown. Know you see what you were never shown.

hahahahahahaha what a joke

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